Book Reviews, by Jeff Glovsky, Writing

Bad With the Good


(More) Book Reviews

by Jeff Glovsky

Marc Spitz


Twee:  The Gentle Revolution in Music, Books, Television, Fashion and Film

Chapter after chapter of tedious name-checking does nothing to explain what. happened? to generations Y and beyond: Why so lazy, occasionally?  Too often frightened, entitled and basking in “whimsy” and yesterdays?

Why the emotional need for escape, and “throwback”?

No answers here.

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Charles Belfoure


The Paris Architect


At first, the quaint, time-capsule setting and ‘life during wartime’ talk of rations, betrayal, cowardice, Third Reich/Vichy, Resistance and Occupation commanded attention…

The more I sped through the 364-page book, though, the more ‘off’ and out of place some of these depictions, and especially, the book’s unfortunate dialogue, began to feel.

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Gary Shteyngart




For every ‘Too much (or What the hell??) is going on here’, there was a balancing insight or satirical ‘Touché’ which kept me plugging along to the end of the ride; in fact, made me return to Absurdistan, after giving up the journey twice.

In the end, I’m glad I saw it through.

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Junot Díaz 


The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao


… a powerful book about tragedy, fortitude, luck and destiny… and in the end, freedom.

To choose what’s inevitable.

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Good Reads (and Meh)!

. . .  s o  f a r .

While admittedly not an “avid” reader, I read a little

Write some too.

(Unfinished) Business, by Jeff Glovsky, Poetry, Works in Progress, Writing

(Miss) Her

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There is nothing that I’m able to say.  That’s what’s sad.

Left unheard.  Stay unsaid.

What’s the point?

Remain dead.

Jeff Glovsky Too Soon

“Too Soon”, ©Jeff Glovsky

Walking aimlessly down Broadway,


down past church and funeral pyre,


GravesYard by Jeff Glovsky

(unfinished business)
by Jeff Glovsky
by Jeff Glovsky, Photography, Writing

Two on TIME

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My train each day is a filthy ride.

Harried passengers, captively feigning aplomb, have no choice… The alternative is meltdown.

In the tunnel, wind rumbles, belches, swirls.  At the end, finally, light.

My train arrives.



A clock face smiles genially as it marches into sunset.

Racing backwards down the slope of Time, the face stops glowing, cracks appear; it winds itself less regularly… Forgets to sound reminders now and then… Alarming.

Increasingly, out of sync.

Happy Daylight Savings Time!

Jeff Glovsky
by Jeff Glovsky, Photography, Poetry, Writing

Nu Year (Poem)

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Let’s just see if I can dream, spontaneous, asleep
while seeming fattish, gaining weight while planning
exodus from messes left another day and time
when I was crazy, youngish, blind and stupid

Just like Mommy said I might be

ArrowUp_RED Words
& Image ArrowDown_RED


by Jeff Glovsky
by Jeff Glovsky, Writing

(I’m) Just a Number?

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They still engage.

To whatever extent it matters (and it matters to me, a bit sadly, a lot), they’ll say things and strike up bemused conversations, amusingly shifting to repartee… or small gauntlets they feel emboldened to throw down!

“Nice touch, with the ice cream cone,” one yells.  “It makes you look innocent!”

This beautiful stranger!  As I walk down the street on a hot summer day with Moosetracks dripping down my shirt…

moosetracks melting

As I’m licking my finger after flicking it up, she yells, “Nice touch, with the ice cream cone!”

And she smiles.

A bit sadly, perhaps.

Still, engaged

In a diner, where I “dine” alone, a rap on the glass between me and the street.  She is laughing like a college sweetheart, saying something I can’t quite make out…

‘Til her friend pulls her along and I’m left laughing through the glass myself.  But alone, with some french fries, like uneaten meat.

Now I realize (a lot, sadly), I might end up home-bound… Or hiking my shirt up above my neck, spinning blindly and spitting, rejecting awareness

Uncogent, and swearing and lashing far out…


(No) Escape“, ©Jeff Glovsky

Or in thirty years, who knows?  I may have slithered from this mortal coil… pooled around my ankles, swelled edemic or lopped off from underuse, or Type 2 diabetes…

Beautiful strangers engaging me now, do so piteously!

As my french fries cool and Moosetracks drips, and I become less and less engaged…

Less bemused and amusing, a bit sadder (sadly).

And vaguely, enraged.

by Jeff Glovsky
by Jeff Glovsky, Writing

On the RECORD…

<<>>Jeff Glovsky

In NEW YORK, before loud hordes pollute each day, and in MUNICH, before tourists take dumps on the canvas — and in any place I find myself with a café or diner open early enough — I avail myself of public solitude.

Some words on ‘mornings’… by Jeff Glovsky

* * *

Not to be confused with


a short Story by Jglo


by Jeff Glovsky, Poetry, Writing

Hear Me (Fall)

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In the Midtown bar, the blonde ignores surroundings, blithely chatting on a cellphone, like she’s home alone, or might as well be.

Unlike she, I’ve got no one to talk to.  Sitting with the gloaming outside, loud annoying noise within.  My head, the music bleeding, pounds right through me, thoughts (not there) receding…

Empty.  I look up, and down.  The room spins.

No one hears me fall.

by Jeff Glovsky

